See what happens?
A 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit the British Columbia coast late Saturday, setting off tsunami warnings. October 28th, 2012 ![]() |
Giant Oil rig |
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest.....if the CNOOC acquisition of Nexen is approved, which includes up to 25% of the Athabasca Oil Sands, one of the largest oil deposits in the world....
"The government will conveniently acquiesce to demands from "Chinese State Oil based in Canada" to export Canadian oil to China, with other questionable implications, economic, cultural and sovereign, like it or not. "
Whoa,Canada! What on earth ARE we doing?
The Canadian Government is "looking over" a C$15.1 billion (US$15.23 billion) bid by state-owned CNOOC Ltd to take over Canadian oil producer Nexen Inc.
CNOOC is a Chinese state-owned company. know, "Red" China? Yes,,,that China... The ideological opposite, supposedly the very antithesis of democracy itself? Here's an interesting question ALL Canadians should be asking our Members of Parliament.
Why would politicians in OUR Canada EVER CONSIDER ALLOWING ANY FOREIGN NATIONAL , MUCH LESS A FOREIGN COMMUNIST COUNTRY --- CONTROL over ANY resources in NORTH AMERICA, much less a HUGE chunk of our LARGEST oil deposit?
Should we be Concerned? Let us digress momentarily--with purpose.
Where does
Canadians are ALREADY left with what may turn out to be one of, if not the largest environmental boondoggle, the worst pollution-producing ''oil disaster' area in the world.
The oil sands will never again be clean, pristine lands. Water is already poisoned and polluted. Fish are already mutated. People are already sick.
Meantime, what is 'the public' shown? What are we
What would politicians have you believe?
" Everything is 'just fine'.
The public is only shown 'tiny' remedial areas that have been 'fixed up' by the industry. Cute little patches of green grass. Cute little scientists in CLEAN WHITE SUITS and plastic hard-hats shown running around 'scientifically' sampling pristine waterways. "Protecting the environment, we are". Oh, really.... Not A DROP OF OIL IN SIGHT.
The oil industry believes Canadians are naive and foolish enough to believe extraction processes boasted about in standard industry advertising, the mom and apple pie selected--- are pristine, faultless, and infallible.
It's hogwash. Oil industry propaganda. Let's keep that straight. Extraction of oil from tar sands is a dirty business. Pipelines fail. Earthquakes clearly happen. *See above....
Mistakes are made endlessly and the excuses offered by the industry when mistakes ARE made --are meaningless. Curiously, they always promise "it won't happen again".
The fact is, it is not a matter of IF another oil disaster will strike, but when. We shall not even START to address the air pollution caused by this industry.
Politicians, for some inexplicable reason, seem to believe that Canadians should now allow environmental disasters to grow endlessly larger-- only to sell oil to Asian markets--particularly China, after all, it's a 'rising star' of global 'business'.
Canadians, meanwhile, will continue to be gouged at the pump, subsidize foreign nationals, paying ever-higher domestic gasoline prices which will pay for the infrastructure necessary to supply oil to world markets like China.
Canadians" are expected to feel 'warm, fuzzy, and secure' with "government negotiations of
"opaque, murky net benefits agreements negotiated for millionaires and billionaires " and agreements lacking transparency, clearly NOT beneficial to anyone but the rich, powerful petroleum industry. Remember NAFTA?
Here at Incoming Bytes we believe this whole process is an orchestrated ruse to benefit only the petroleum industry regardless of the eventual cost to Canadians. Why?
Dumb: it makes leaders look incompetent, naive, and foolish enough to allow ANY takeover of control of critical and limited resources that morally and ethically belong to all Canadians. Why would any Prime Minister of Canada even consider, much less allow this travesty? Canada is a sovereign nation. Why can we not ACT like one?
Dumber: it will give the "oil industry" a lever, an EXCUSE to demand the Northern Gateway Pipeline be built across the pristine waterways of British Columbia- a coastline which is earthquake prone --(*see above) and which will clearly endanger some of the most beautiful natural environments and shorelines on earth.
The federal government will ultimately plead 'compliance' to toothless, one-sided trade agreements and conveniently acquiesce to demands from "Chinese State Oil " based in Canada to export Canadian oil to China, with other questionable implications, economic, cultural and sovereign, like it or not.
Dumbest: Big Dirty Corporate Oil -- collectively, that would be CNOOC included, will walk away with hundreds of trillions of dollars in profit. The contaminated hazard lands and an unbelievable environmental disaster--an unmitigated disaster without equal- will be left for Canadians of the future, conveniently after oil reserves have been pillaged.
It must be asked if Canadians have learned anything from NAFTA ? It seems not.
Politicians perpetrating this travesty will be "long gone"or retired with fat pensions,-- and will collectively and loudly decline any responsibility for the inestimable, horrific environmental damage that has been done.
The Canadian government most recently
Who are we kidding?
This should be entertaining but rather sad. Canadians may now watch this
Glass beads and trinkets, flat-screen televisions and all, offered by China or Asia--access to their markets for MORE of our resources --will be 'guaranteed.' How wonderful.
Increased profit for local domestic oil industry itself will considered 'net benefits to Canada".
Secret trade incentives
Bottom line, the
CNOOC fearlessly enters stage left.... Canada has set a precedent.
Canadians will watch horrified---as CNOOC---in fact the COMMUNIST STATE of CHINA 'improves their offer of net benefits' too, ---- and because they, too, now offer 'net benefits and meet the established criteria" the deal can not be refused.
Canadians will be 'forced' to allow the State of China to take control of critical and strategic resources--as much as 25% of the Athabasca oil sands.
Sovereignty is at issue.
What else is new? American nationals have freely taken control of Canada's resources and profited from them for generations. Americans buy gasoline made from crude oil originating in Canada FAR cheaper than Canadians are offered.
Trash and Trinket TradeDoes the concept of " trash and trinkets for trade" sound familiar? How soon we forget.Hundreds of years ago, in our
"Net benefits" to the First Nations peoples were
Could the equivalent process be repeated in modern history?
Our loyal readers here at Incoming Bytes are always encouraged to think. There are specific parallels to be drawn. Have our leaders failed to learn from the lessons of history?Rich foreign nationals will profit and become ever more powerful politically and economically, positioning themselves to demand changes in Canadian culture, immigration, politics, and business practices favourable to them. Canadians will foot the expense--subsidize the infrastructure, end up with the environmental disaster--and ultimately pay the price of apathy by ever-increasing loss of sovereignty."
We do not have to wonder why First Nations Peoples are unhappy with exploitation of the Athabasca tar sands and are resisting the Northern Gateway Pipeline and more
Alison Hartford, Premier of Alberta, insists this unbelievable environmental disaster is progress --and has absolutely no intention of sharing royalties or revenue.
British Columbia's Premier Christy Clark is hostile, posturing, holding out for "five points'..... 'no pipeline unless B.C. gets 'better benefits', with undertones and blatant threats of a national political crisis if the pipeline is approved without 'better benefits' and a greater "share" to British Columbia. "Which glittering trinkets would you like, B.C. Christy?"
We offer glass beads, tin cups, shoddy imitation goods, mutated fish, oil-soaked rivers, sick people, decimation of wildlife species, polluted coastline waterways, a few maritime disasters a la Exxon Valdez...and..oh, and a few paltry jobs, we'll toss those in for your "SHARE" too."
Clearly, in this whole process---without exception, jurisdictions, producers and holdouts alike, nothing but greed matters; -- it's all about money, rich interests becoming richer without thought of the consequences.
Canadians should be demanding a halt to this process. Period. Alternative energy exists. Clean alternative energy. Why are we so foolish? This disastrous process now being pursued can NEVER be reversed.
The cold, hard fact is, our leaders are intent on selling off critical resources and the future health of our country---in perpetuity-- merely to make rich oil corporations richer and feed the EGOS of our politicians.
However they may pretend to position themselves, our leaders are intent on freely giving away control of our resources, -receiving by comparison in reality- nothing in return but temporary political glory and a guaranteed and huge environmental mess--an unparallelled environmental disaster that will exist literally forever.
Meantime, politicians will 'reflect', write up their "memoirs and legacies", pat themselves on the back in their mutual admiration society, shrug their shoulders, and collectively deny all responsibility. They shall cry crocodile tears, blaming the guaranteed environmental disaster on 'those Asian foreigners'. How convenient and predictable.
Is that Incoming I hear?
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