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Incoming BYTES
contains highly variable subject matter including commentary on the mundane, the extraordinary and even controversial issues. At Incoming BYTES
we want YOU to think...if you dare...


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Sign of Understanding

 by raymond alexander kukkee

"We have an understanding then,  you and me.", Old Jake said, adjusting the throttle valve on the carburetor.  The motor shook roughly.    I watched.  He shook his head.

"You and me, we get along just fine, don't we?  He made another adjustment, tapping the side of the carb,  listening for just the right sound.
He took the long, fine-bladed screwdriver and bent the throttle cable  connector back into position and tightened the clip.
"That ought to do it."  he said.  "You'll be fine now."

He pointed, twisting his hand  to the right, as if he was holding a key.

I started the car.  It fired first time.  Jake looked at me and nodded. He signed me. "Good! ", he said.
He patted the car on the hood.  He signed.  "We have an understanding, you and me".   

  At 137 words, "Understanding" easily meets the word count requirement of Red's Flash Fiction Challenge July limit of 150 words.

Is that Incoming I hear?

photo credit  www.edupics.com


  1. Sound just like the understanding my car and myself have.. I treat her kindly and she gets me from A to B with no stress..And I pat her on the bonnet.. Thanking her for her loyalties.. and not gussling too much fuel.. ;-)

    This brought back memories of my courting days as my boyfriend, now husband would always have his head under the bonnet.. and I would be passing him the screwdriver..

    Nice short story Raymond..

    1. Hi Sue, thanks! Too funny! I wonder how many people have understandings with their cars, trucks, pets, and refrigerators for that matter. It seems we assign animated characteristics to all kinds of objects for various reasons. Have a great day! ~R


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