©2015 by Raymond Alexander Kukkee
Once again it is upon us, THE tradition: Merry Christmas!
A big turkey dinner with all of the trimmings? Gifts? Sharing with others? Giving? Good times?
An excuse to go shopping and splurging? A combination of all of the above?
Or is it just another day? -- a holiday celebrated unnecessarily by others, using up a money-making business day like E. Scrooge would suggest? Bah, Humbug! comes to mind.
Is Christmas a holiday celebrated by "others" but not you and your family because of alternative religious beliefs and "other" cultural traditions?
No matter. Here at IncomingBytes we happily wish everyone a Merry Christmas because it is our tradition. You may, in return, wish us 'Happy Holidays" a "Holiday Season" or any combination, language, or interpretation of "best wishes" you wish to offer. We will not be offended. Peace and Goodwill is offered to all.
Merry Christmas! And have a Happy, Prosperous New Year too!
Is that Incoming I hear?