It never fails to amuse observers of politics how politicians defend their self-perceived perfect records with the practiced lines of child actors seeking perfection in a public school play, repeating the same Party rhetoric over and over whilst accusing one another of disrespect for Canadians and Democracy and the dignified Process of Governance.
The more likely fact is, political talking heads collectively seem to increasingly lack any respect for Canadian voters, process, honesty or government itself, --and not surprisingly, Canada does not hold a monopoly on that contemporary political phenomenon.
Politicians seem to ooze honesty on television collectively, but fail to admit the real reason they are there, the really big issue, which is
not health care,
not their concern about Canada being misrepresented in Foreign Affairs,
not $175M fighter jets,
not the military involvement in Libya or Afghanistan,
not the Economy, even though" it's the economy, stupid" , and
certainly not budgetary concerns including excessive waste spent in Tony's cute little Gazebo-infested Conservative riding that required $50M all at once just to build Gazebos and get "spruced up" for viewing by G20 leaders --for at least 15, maybe 20 minutes, according to the Auditor-General's "not-to-be-trusted report"..... and she's used to seeing stuff like that, $2.6B wasted on an inefficient, foolish gun registry, Multi-million-dollare
fake lakes, $10M long fences and thousands of riot-equipped police to keep citizens at bay, G-8 Billion-dollar boondoggles, being ruled in contempt of parliament, Senator crookery or anything of that
"let's avoid that lickety-split" nature.
We don't address.....well, we don't REALLY want to address THOSE things on "national debate" night.
The real issue behind the charade is the primal driving force, well hidden , which is the maintenance of an old-boy's security web, a political party mutual admiration society that behind closed doors, studies diligently the mechanics of the
Prime Directive of that Society ---which is interpreted
in camera as :
How do we ensure we're all getting elected yet again so we get to keep our very big MP Pensions and make sure WE get tucked nice and neatly into the Senate too, even if we're crooks and scallywags ?"
Perhaps it is written in a
"mission statement" somewhere, maybe on the back of a brown envelope containing big wads of cash.
With the
"unwanted" May 2nd election coming upon us fast, another
"National all party debate" was held today, except that
all of the party leaders were not allowed to participate,
to wit, Ms. Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party was
excluded simply because the Green party has not a single seat in the House of Commons;
the outrageous fact that NOBODY is "sitting" in the House of Commons once an election is called seems to have been ignored, but we all suspect Ms. Green Elizabeth May doesn't support big corporations, including the crabby, nasty media group that excluded her from the DEBATE.
How can we have a debate if all parties are not represented?
Ans: " Fill debate with Canned Questions, meaningless repetitive blather, maybe nobody will notice."
Maybe they're all afraid of Ms. May, she's an astute type, if a bit quirky, or maybe they just don't like green stuff like spinach.
Funny, they managed to include Gilles Duceppe, the leader of the
Bloc Quebecois, wannabe kingmaker supreme, who is constantly vowing to remove Quebec from Canada even though he knows Quebec can be soon divided up into rather large enclaves of Canadian loyalists if Canada should be parted, but he carried on like a trooper anyway.
The Harper-Ignatieff mutual admiration and exchange Chapter of the group expressed the strongest disdain for each other and the other members present, but Gilles scuffled away, and Jack Layton calmly representing the NDP kept them busy slip-sliding around. At times it seemed Jack was actually
winning the debate with calm and wit
a la crutch, with Gilles crustily pretending his Bloc representation of Quebec in the Canadian National debate actually makes a difference in said National debate.
He scored one for the Nipper on old Harper's coalition-bent letter though, make that Harper's old coalition letter, no doubt about that one. Making bed with the Bloc, a paper enemy and pale-faced ghost, it was. Stephen appeared uncomfortable with that timely reminder.
But, bottom line, no score was noted anywhere by tired political observers; it's all been seen before, lies, lies, promises, loads of sheeple manure, and Iggy's Liberal "a chicken in every pot" promises, "gotta get after those guns", ...and ....and.... and nothing has,
or ever will change.
Meantime, out in the real world, with the Japanese Fukushima disaster now being
compared to Chernobyl, not a word was mentioned.
Ominous silence. We don't wish to be told we're about to be glowing in the dark anyway, do we?
Perhaps we should blame Ms. May for that one too after all, she wasn't there to bring it up. We can't blame Elizabeth?
Excluded you say? No matter. The Talking Heads have spoken and Canadian Politics is fine and well and predicable as can be.
That's just as well, Canadians like talking heads, high taxes, wasteful spending, crooked politics, $6.00/gallon gas and predictability--and we all know nothing is going to change, no matter WHO is elected.
We'll go vote anyway, at least we get to see the neighbours at the polling station and chat a bit.
That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.